UH Models

Realizando un sueño...
Tanto por aprender y compartir! 
Eterno agradecimiento 
a las modelos profesionales 
más hermosas, creativas, 
y maravillosas de SL ...

Reaching a dream...
So much to learn and share! 
Endless Thanks
to such proffesional models
the most beautifull, creative,
and wonderful of SL...

Naar Rexen
Euridice Qork
Lucía Brune

Thanks so much!!! ♥

Task 1. Learning how to make a style and sell it ...

Task 2. Learning to append and to pose..

Task 3. First Style. Intelectual Hipster-Prepi Photographer...

Task 4, Try different styles

Task 5 Selling any style ;) 

Task 6 Learning Photoshop

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Thanks so much by your visit and comments!